Lunes, Hunyo 25, 2012

How do I became A1 fans?

    It started in year 1999,my cousins told me there's a song she really like to hear every 9pm at one of TV channel. One night i joined her to see who is the singer of that song... I saw A1 for the first time. I really like them,i admire their voice so much...

Since I started waiting to their song every 9pm until EVERYTIME song release.... 2000,first year high school after going to school i always watch on NET25 music video start at 1pm-4pm i love watching music video because they always play all songs of A1,such as Be the First to believe, Summertim, Like a Rose, Everytime and Ready or Not...

I'm kinda crazy using these word but I really became super addict to A1, Second Year high school when i started to collect poster, tape, and even research everything about them of course with my high school friend...and one more thing this is really fun when all my classmate knew that me and my three friends like A1 they call us A1 Girls...

Since then all of us dream that someday will going to see them even not too close or just at least we heard their voice or attend to one of their concert. But it became sad when we hear the news that they decided to disband because of their personal reason but still we believe A1 will going to return and we're really happy that it really happen.

When I heard the news that A1 will going here to the Philippines last feb, i really wanna go and watch them but that time i know it will never happen for some personal reason until the last minute as in its 3pm on feb. 25 me and my cousin decided to go and pray that there's still have ticket available even in gen add and we're happy that we did it...

One of the most happiest moment i ever had though people keep telling me there's a lot of new boy band i still want A1 so much...when i posted my pic on my facebook all my high school classmate glad that i finally did it..

That's why i decided to do blog for them...and I am happy that there's a lot of people who viewed this blog.

Thank you so much and God bless you all...!!!